The world of Del is a live action, role-play experience in which each player assumes the identity of a character within the world. Your character is of your own creation, and you can imagine them to be anything that you wish – with a few guidelines to assist you.

Please refer to our Player Handbook for more detail.


Each character will claim a Heritage. Each heritage has its own traits and culture that define it. Your heritage will guide and determine two simple things:

Your Heritage offers you costume guidance. In The World of Del, each character will design their own costume and personality. Each heritage has costume guide recommendations with a color and a design that is unique to each heritage.

Each heritage provides the character with a different resource that can be used in crafting or to barter with other characters within the world. Each heritage’s resource is unique and will be given to the character at check-in during each event.


Each character will be given the opportunity to follow a Deity. Your devotion to a God in Del is only as important as you decide it should be to your character; you do not need to base your entire character around a deity. However, the six gods in The World of Del are each very different and provide characters with two unique opportunities:

Your choice of Deity will provide you with roleplay opportunities and connections to other players. There are many guilds dedicated either openly or secretly to each of the Deities. Sometimes all you need is a little connection with another character to form a lifelong bond.

Each Deity imparts a unique skill upon the characters that follow them. These skills are powerful and tied deeply to the Deity.


Each character starts with 7 Skill Points. You may spend these points to give your character certain bonuses that you feel are appropriate. The skills that you select determine what sets your character apart from others. You may decide to be a marksman or a juggernaut, an artisan or a potion master. Skills determine what your character is particularly proficient in. 

Each skill has its own point value. Some skills only cost one skill point, while others cost two.

Characters gain 1 skill point after each event that they participate in, so your character can continue to grow stronger and stronger. Careful not to “die” during the course of the event as this resets the skill points you’ve accrued and you will need to create a new character to start over at the next event.

Check out our PLAYER HANDBOOK to get started.