RenRecap: Tennessee Renaissance Festival 2023

What a whirlwind of wonder we experienced at this year’s Tennessee Renaissance Festival! The World of Del team ventured into the festival, adorned in character and embarked on a journey of camaraderie, merry-making, and, of course, trinket-trading!

🗝️Unlocking Secrets with Trinket Trading🔐

Our characters wandered Castle Park with mysterious keys, whispering tales of the World of Del. Each key was attached to a tag and the travelers brave enough to trade a trinket with us became the keepers of these enchanted keys. If you received a key, remember to bring it to your first World of Del event to unlock a secret prize/benefit within the game! We were astounded by the creativity and craftsmanship of the trinkets we received – from delicate origami to handmade enchanted stones, our hearts were full!

⚔️Jousting, Jestering and Joviality🍗

There’s nothing quite like devouring a giant turkey leg amidst the laughter and cheer of the festival crowd. We splurged for a piece of chocolate-covered cheesecake and got a goofy grin when the fair lady yelled “Huzzah for the paper tipper!” We cheered with gusto as the knights clashed in jousting tournaments and gasped in awe at the amazing performers.

And who could forget the roguish charm and naughty jokes of Axel the Sot? His wit and humor is unmatched!

🌟Thank You, Fellow Adventurers!🌟

This festival was more than just a few days of merriment; it was an opportunity for us to connect with so many new and wonderful people. Our hearts are full of gratitude for the memories we made together.

For those who joined us, we hope you had an enchanting time! And now, the next adventure awaits – We invite you to the first World of Del playtest on Saturday, June 17th! Create your character, don your costumes and help us start to build the World of Del.

While our playtests will be held in various locations around Middle Tennessee — the first of which is in Smyrna, TN — the official World of Del weekend-long event in 2024 will be held in Castle Park, right on the Tennessee Renaissance Festival grounds!

RSVP here to join the World of Del Playtest here

We hope to see you there!

Safe travels,

The World of Del Team 🌿🔮


Meet Jesterbot! Your guide to the World of Del


Welcome to the World of Del.