Welcome to the World of Del.

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Are you ready to embark on an epic journey, filled with fantasy, camaraderie and unforgettable memories?

That’s what we hope to do with the World of Del, a new LARP event coming to Nashville, Tennessee. Set in a captivating realm of magic and wonder, the World of Del will offer an immersive experience like no other.

Imagine you and your friends gather in the lush wilderness just outside of Nashville for an overnight in-character camping experience. You'll act as the citizens of the World of Del, driving the story along and shaping the fate of this enchanting land through quests, bargaining, battle and relationship-building. Whether you're a seasoned LARPer or a curious newbie, the World of Del will make you feel right at home.

If you're a fan of the Tennessee Renaissance Festival, our overnight events will be held on the same grounds at Castle Park! Our team of dedicated organizers and Game Masters have crafted an immersive world with a rich lore that promises to keep you engaged throughout your adventure. And the best part? You'll be making friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

Ready to join the adventure? Start by checking out our Player Handbook where you’ll find a brief history of Del, information on how to create your character, a combat guide and more. Then, join our community on Discord and sign up for our mailing list to receive exclusive updates about our upcoming events.

Our goal is to create an unforgettable experience for our players, and your participation will help make that happen. So grab your sword, complete your character sheet and prepare to enter a whole new realm.

The World of Del awaits!


RenRecap: Tennessee Renaissance Festival 2023